Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Peak at the Press

The Guardian reports that Alistair Darling, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduces a pay freeze in the public sector, which will mostly affect senior civil servants, NHS managers and other high-ranking officials, including quangos. The announcement came days before the Conservative Party Conference, in a way stealing the show from the Tories, who considered putting forward a similar move at their conference. The way the message was delivered is seen as a breach of an unspoken convention by which parties are not supposed to comment or announce policies at and around each other's conferences and the Labour Party broke that tradition ushering a programme associated with the Conservatives.

Good lanaguge:
1. a quango is an employee of a quasi non-governmental organisation,
2. frontline services include health care, schooling or the police,
3. "The decision was seen as a sign that the broadest shoulders must carry the heaviest load"

The Tories intend to raise the retirement age to 66 starting in 2016 to cut the budget deficit, a move announced by the shadow chancellor George Osbourne. With the average life expectancy at 86, it's essential that steps are taken. Now, a record 11% of men over 65 are still in work.

Good language:
1. unpalatable measure,
2. spending constraint

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